future programming goals
1a) Create a pre-made database where members separately fill-out their collection information; thus members could manage their collections here. All collection data would need to be private except to the owner.
1b) Each members collection would then need to be linked into a singular database called CENSUS. This singular database would automatically update census information.
1c) Any new found varieties would need to be added to one (census) database while simultaneously being linked to each members collection without messing any data up.
2) Create a Registry Set(s).
Date Set - one variety from each date and mint (when documented)
Family Set - all varieties; super set - all planchet alloys and edge types
Variety Set - All varieties; super set - all planchet alloys and edge types
Production Method - hand-made die; transfer die; cast
a) Sets will be ranked on ownership completeness rather than grade or condition.
b) All sets and varieties within must show an image of the example owned
c) Information will include - date, variety, alloy, approximate condition, notes, photo.
3) GIS Time and location map with historical reports, newspaper clips, etc. embedded and possibly color-coordinated/organized for ease of visual identification.
*If members see this, and can help me set this up I would be very grateful.