After being on a 6+ month hiatus moving from Oregon to New Mexico, starting a new job, and buying my first house, I am back to updating this website to maximize its potential.
1. Within the RESEARCH page a new category was added, NEW AND ONGOING RESEARCH PROJECTS. Here we will document current research efforts in order to answer relevant questions on this subject. Upon completion, research efforts will be published on this website for all to read.
2. Within the RESEARCH page I have added text requesting images of contemporary counterfeit U.S. coins which are either new varieties, finer examples than those currently shown on the website, or better quality images so these can be added to the website.
3. Within the Capped Bust half dollar section of the RESEARCH page, I'm excited to report that nearly all documented varieties now have images uploaded. Previously I stalled out by the 1830s. But after extensive efforts I pushed through uploading images and information for all to utilize. In addition, a new variety of contemporary counterfeit CBH was reported and added to the website - an 1834 cast O-110.
4. I have added a DONATE page to this website where collectors and dealers can donate their contemporary counterfeit U.S. coins for research purposes. Please consider donating and telling your friends about this effort. Cash donations will also be accepted to be put towards research and documentation efforts.
5. New contemporary counterfeit U.S. coins have been added to the SHOP page. Additional pieces will be added and available for purchasing on a regular basis.
6. Do you have recommendations for how to make this website better? If so, I'd love to hear from you and consider your ideas!
Winston (website administrator)